Origin Story

Media: photography

Number of images: 12 (selected)

Print size: 8x10 inches

Execution: 2019

This copy of the King James Bible (originally published in 1611) was printed in English [1] with pronunciation marks and was a gift from my grandmother in the last century. It was soaked in olive oil to make the pages translucent which I thought appropriate, considering the significance of olive oil in the development of human history.

The visual content is from the first book "Genesis". [2] Christians adopted this book from the Jewish Torah. The first five books in the Torah are called the Pentateuch. [3] In the Old Testament version of the King James Bible, the five books are also included but are not in the same order as the Torah.

[1] The Old Testament books were translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic; the New Testament books were translated from the Greek; the books from the Apocrypha were translated from the Greek and Latin.
[2] Genesis, in the Greek, means "origin".
[3] The other four books are Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #1

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #2

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #3

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #4

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #5

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #6

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #7

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #8

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #9

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #10

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #11

Photograph from the King James version Book of Genesis

Origin #12